Frequently Asked Questions

There many Questions about Smart Toilets and Bidet Seats.

Can I get electrocuted on a Smart Toilet or Bidet Seat?

No more so than you can in a modern spa bath, or by using a clothes iron.  All Smart Toilet Australia products have multiple circuit
protections internally.  They also have an Australian Standards approved power cord and earth leakage plug unit.  This overrides every electrical component inside of the toilet, and can be tested whenever, and as often as deemed necessary.  Smart Toilet Australia is a registered Responsible Supplier with EESS.

How much electrical power does this Smart Toilet use?

Total power consumption obviously depends upon the amount of use.  In full ECO Mode they use only ≈ 3.7watts.
When it is not in ECO Mode and just sitting idle, your Smart Toilet or Bidet Seat needs about as much power as a 20watt light bulb.
This will increase slightly if it is very cold in the toilet area, if the toilet lid is left up and/or if the selected Seat Temp is set very high.  When the toilet is in use, up to 1300watts of power (approx the same as a clothes iron) is required – only for a very brief period during each usage cycle.

Can I still use the Smart Toilet during a total electrical failure?

Yes! But only the Main Flush and Foot Tap switch(if fitted) will operate.  And these functions will only work if the 9volt battery in the back of the Smart Toilet seat assembly is serviceable.  No Cleaning or Drying functions will be available during a total electrical failure.  No O3 is produced.  Bidet Seat units have no electric functionality during a power failure.

Can the Smart Toilet be affected by changes with the in-flow water pressure?

Yes it can, but this is not an issue in any Mains Water supplied area.  Australian Government water supply regulation usually stipulates a domestic water supply pressure of approx 350 to 500kPa (average 400+kPa).  All Smart Toilet Australia products are certified at 400kPa ± 10%, and are tested to 500kPa.  They can operate with an in-flow water pressure range of 300 to 500kPa – with a water temperature of 5 to 35°C. Some private tank or well water supplies may occasionally exceed these parameters.  This could
then affect the Flush function performance of all Smart Toilets.  There will be no effect with Bidet Seat units, which can operate on
only 200kPa.

Can I put toilet paper into the Smart Toilet, and if so how much?

Yes, you certainly can put toilet paper into these Smart Toilets.  All STA toilets are all totally cisternless.  They are all connected directly to the mains water supply.  They all have a powerful triple-action cyclone flush sequence.  They have been tested to the rigorous WaterMark and WELS flush standards.

Like any other toilet though, if you put hundreds of sheets of toilet paper into it, a blockage can still occur.  Historical data shows that toilet paper use with a Smart Toilet drops to just 10% of the paper usage with a non-smart toilet.  This 10% is not at all used in the traditional sense.  It is more used for occasional ‘pat dry’ needs.

Can a Smart Toilet be used with a domestic septic tank system?

Yes it can – without any problems. The largest percentage of septic pump out mass is always toilet paper.  Toilet paper mass represents approx 70% of septic pump out matter.  With a Smart Toilet or Bidet Seat, pump out costs are greatly reduced.

Can water spray out all over the toilet area, and flood the floor?

Smart Toilets and Bidet Seats need to have the Seat Sensors activated before any of the cleaning or drying functions are powered.
If somebody is sitting on the toilet, and initiates one of the Cleaning functions, and then leaps off the toilet, a very small amount of water spill can occur.  This is because the Seat Sensors require up to five seconds of no activation before shutting down various functions.  The selected cleaning spray may continue briefly after alighting very quickly, and without pressing the Stop icon on the Remote, or the Stop button on the Manual Control Panel.

Can the Smart Toilet cause burns from the hot water or hot air?

No! All Smart Toilet Australia products have several forms of user protection.  The spray/cleaning water temperature is monitored by a Safety Reset Protector device which will automatically shut down the Smart Toilet or Bidet Seat if it senses that temperature is out of limits.  Likewise, our Dryer units all have a dedicated over-temperature fuse to prevent any temperature runaway during all operations.

What happens if I select items out of sequence with the Clean, Dryer and Flush etc?

No problems.  Simply press the red STOP icon on the remote, or the STOP button on the Manual Control Panel.  Then re-select the desired Function.  These Smart Toilets and Bidet Seats do not have a sequence memory.

Will the Smart Toilet ever override selections/commands from the Remote?

This will only happen if the Smart Toilet or Bidet Seat has reached a Safety limit, or a limiting parameter.  Like most other domestic remote devices, your Smart Toilet Remote communicates to your toilet.  The toilet/bidet seat does not communicate back to the Remote.

What happens if the toilet lid or seat is forced against its auto movement?

Nothing dangerous will happen.  The motorized auto movement on our premium Smart Toilets can easily be overpowered.  No damage to the toilet’s components will occur.  It is designed for these situations.

What extra technical aspects need to be considered?

All STA products need both power and cold water.  If there is an interruption to the supply of these two necessities, then the Smart Toilet or Bidet Seat will not be able to function.  Batteries in the Remote and in the back of the seat assembly do need to be replaced after prolonged usage.  If the supply water quality is low, a check of the two particle filters may be necessary.  Under normal conditions and usage, this check is recommended once per year.  Likewise the air purifying filter in the back of Smart Toilet seat assemblies needs to be cleaned and refreshed annually, or sooner if high toilet usage has occurred.  All filters are not consumables.  They can all be cleaned and re-installed.

Is the Smart Toilet good for the environment?

Yes it is. These Smart Toilets and Bidet Seats are virtually toilet paper free zones.  A 2010 survey in the U.S. found that Americans use more than 3.2 million tons of toilet paper annually – cutting down 54 million trees in the process.  Toilet paper production requires huge volumes of water for the production process – 140L per roll.  Average toilet paper use is some 50 sheets of paper per person per day, which equates to 14.0L of production process water.  The Smart Toilet Australia pre-rinse, spray arm rinse, douche process, and Full Flush altogether requires approx 5.7L, with little or no toilet paper use.

Are there any medical problems with using a Smart Toilet or Bidet Seat?

None known.  The use of Smart Toilets considerably improves the level of personal hygiene.  A recent U.K. nursing home survey found that significant reduction in female patient urinary infections occurred when the patients regularly used a Smart Toilet.